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Periodic Table Chart of the Elements Chart Laminated Classroom Poster

Periodic Table Chart of the Elements Chart Laminated Classroom Poster

Young N Refined

Script Your Students Into Script

Poster of the Periodic table of elements for the science students to learn the correlation between different groups of elements & effortless for the teachers to teach the young students. All the elements are color-coded respective to the general type of substance that element falls under and its classified into ten groups here: such as Alkali metal, Alkaline earth, Transition metal, Basic metal, Semimetal, Nonmetal, Halogen, Noble gas, Lanthanide, Actinide. 3-mil thick laminations add more durability to the poster & protect it from the dust, water & tears. The science chart is available in 15X20, 18X24 and 24X30 formats. You can easily hang it on your bedroom and classroom walls.

  • New High-Quality design with laminated 3 mil plastic finish water and tear resistant.
  • Perfect for teachers parents students and kids bedrooms. Educational chemistry academic banner.
  • High-Quality print with thick 3 mil lamination makes it WATERPROOF and TEAR RESISTANT.
  • Teaching inovating basic sign clear design easy to view from a distance.
  • Makes a great gift for students’ teachers and kids.
  • Designed and manufactured in the USA.

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 These charts were designed by Teachers and Parents who understand the importance of setting up a safe and friendly environment for their children to prosper and grow. Friendly easy to understand rules are the key success whether it be at home or in school.

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